In-between Lands is a solo exhibition by artist Aleksandra Mir, currently on exhibition at Galeria Praça and composed of four drawings from the Mediterranean series (2007). The work questions the sociopolitical forces that shape national and local identities. Such reflection stems from the stateless experience accumulated by the artist as a four-time migrant, and was developed during the time she was living in the Mediterranean island of Sicily, Italy. The term ‘Mediterranean’ is of Latin origin, and stands for ‘sea between lands’; the sea itself has been the place of frequent social, political, and cultural conflicts.
Since the early 1990s, Mir has dedicated special attention to Sharpie pens, exploring a variety of shades of gray and the vanishing ink over time. The drawings of Gothic and Modernist inspiration also bear a cartoonish aesthetic, expressing the artist’s conceptual humor.

The exhibition is part of the program Território Específico, research axis orienting the whole program of Inhotim over 2021 and 2022..
Get to know the works of the Mediterranean series