Imperial Bromeliad

Popular name: Imperial bromeliad or giant bromeliad
Scientific name: Alcantarea imperialis

Bromélia-imperial Inhotim
The rosette-shaped leaves become a pot in the center of the plant, where water and nutrients are accumulated. Photo: João Marcos Rosa/Nitro.
Bromélia-imperial Inhotim
It is possible to see examples of it all over Inhotim. This one is close to Galeria Doris Salcedo. Photo: João Marcos Rosa/Nitro.

Typically tropical, the imperial bromeliad stands out for its size, sculptural shape, and vibrating colors. It occurs naturally in the steep rocky slopes of the Serra dos Órgãos (Rio de Janeiro).

The plant is seriously endangered due to the high incidence of fires in its natural habitat and for its intense exploitation. It can take up to ten years to reach the adult stage and bloom. The flowers are often visited by insects and hummingbirds, while the pollination is made by bats.

Bromélia-imperial Inhotim
The imperial bromeliad might reach a diameter of up to 1.5 meter as an adult. Photo: João Marcos Rosa/Nitro.
Bromélia-imperial Inhotim
Very used as shelter by insects, small reptiles, and amphibians that prevent the proliferation of Aedes aegypti. Photo: João Marcos Rosa/Nitro.


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