Galeria Cristina Iglesias
2010 – 2012
Stainless steel, bronze, polyester resin and fiberglass, 285x940x940 cm

Vegetation Room Inhotim (2010-2012) is a work conceived for a glade in the forest of Instituto Inhotim. As the artist herself defined: ‘I built a vegetal, roofless, open-air room in the middle of the forest, with stainless steel walls reflecting nature and, therefore, disappearing, camouflaging itself.’
The work consists of a mirrored structure whose interior recalls a maze. Not all spaces are accessible, it requires looking towards the outside, the surroundings, in order to find the next door. The relationship between sculpture and architecture serves as a point of departure and permeates the work of Cristina Iglesias, nourished by references to science-fiction and 19th century fantastic literature.