
Territories and Networks Program

The community of Brumadinho, collaborators of the Institute, as well as other professionals and researchers find in this program a source of connection, interaction, and experience taking place both inside and outside Inhotim. Participants can exchange information and take appropriation of spaces of the Institute for leisure, entertainment, and research purposes.

Nosso Inhotim

Nosso Inhotim is a program created for inhabitants of Brumadinho and along with them, in order to democratize the access (admission is free for the local population, who also enjoys a 50% discount on other events organized by the Institute), as well as to promote social and educational development along with the community.

Know how to join (botão para página sobre Brumadinho) 

Biblioteca Inhotim

A space to record, promote, and give access to information, keeping the collections open for consultation by collaborators, researchers, and visitors. The library has specialized collections in visual arts – among which stand out the publications by the artists of Inhotim; botany and environment – focusing especially in the biomes of the Atlantic Forest and the Cerrado, as well as the collections of the Inhotim Botanical Garden; artistic education concerning the environment and heritage; publications by Inhotim; in addition to other themes like museology, architecture, landscape design, gardening, memory, heritage, literature, and others.

During the Covid-19 pandemics, the Biblioteca Inhotim is closed.

Ethics Commission for Research at Instituto Inhotim (COEPI)

The Ethics Commission for Research has the role of orienting and analyzing ethical aspects concerning the development of researches in the Institute, as well as fostering the ethical thinking in science as a whole.

If you are interested in developing researches about Inhotim, please gather the documents listed below and send it over e-mail to: Contact us for more information.

See the list of required documents.

Rede Educativa Inhotim

The Rede Educativa Inhotim is a virtual platform that takes the shape of a social network for educational purposes. It is a territory conceived for the gathering of people interested in educational processes of different scopes, such as collaborators, young people, and teachers who participate in the projects led by Inhotim. A place for research, sharing of experiences, and discussions orbiting the universe of education, contemporaneity, culture, and biodiversity.


Roots of Resilience

As a result of the partnership between Inhotim and People’s Palace Projects of the Queen Mary, University of London, the project seeks to measure the value of the cultural heritage of the Iron Quadrangle region in Minas Gerais, in collaboration with local communities. In addition to Inhotim, five cultural entities take part in the project: Casa Quilombe and Corporação Musical Banda São Sebastião, in Brumadinho; Fundação Cultural Carlos Drummond de Andrade (FCCDA), in Itabira; Grupo Atrás do Pano, in Nova Lima, and the Associação Cultural Clube Osquindô, in Mariana.

Get to know more about the project and the participant institutions on the website People’s Palace Projects 



Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.

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