National Museum Week 2024
Inhotim takes part in the 22nd National Museum Week, which will be held nationwide from May 13 to 19.
This year’s theme is Museums, Education and Research, a proposal that takes into account the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Inhotim’s program will host different guests and will be held in different spaces.
Worlds exist in orchids
May 15, at 10:30 am
Ariel Spadari (SP) is a visual artist and curious about the botanical world. He invites us to notice the presence of Cattleya walkeriana—the queen-of-the-cerrado—in the palm trees of Inhotim and in the samples from the Botany Lab.
Observation, imagination and recording become tools for investigation and research to ask ourselves: are we really that different from plants?
Register at Largo das Orquídeas from 10:30 am.
Pedagogies Circuit: FAEB Regional Meeting
May 16 , from 8 am
The Inhotim Institute hosts the last day of the 4th Regional Meeting of the Federation of Art Educators of Brazil, in partnership with the Faculty of Education (FaE) of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).
The day begins with a visit to Pedagogia – Ocupação Paulo Nazareth [Pedagogy – Paulo Nazareth Occupation], at FaE-UFMG, followed by a visit to the exhibition Esconjuro [Expulsion], by the same artist, at Inhotim. The two exhibitions are a starting point for a conversation led by Gleyce Kelly Heitor, director of Education at Inhotim. Register at this link .
Museums for a common life
May 16, at 6:30 pm
The education programs of the Inhotim Institute and the Minas Gerais Vale Memorial invite Leda Maria Martins (MG), Glòria Jové (Spain) and Antônio Almeida (MS) to share ideas about research and education as a vocation of museums and cultural institutions in the complex context in which we live.
The meeting takes place at the Minas Gerais Vale Memorial Theater.
Register by phone (+5531) 3343-7317 or (+5531) 8223-7433 (WhatsApp).
Cross-border education: pedagogical projects for art and nature
May 18, at 10 am
The Inhotim Institute invites research educators Glòria Jové (Spain) and Antônio Almeida (MS) for the first immersion of the 12th edition of the Decentralizing Access project, in a meeting for teachers from public schools in Brumadinho and neighboring municipalities.
On this occasion, research will be shared that considers educational practices beyond the boundaries of art, science and nature.
The event takes place at the Inhotim Vale Theater, at the Burle Marx Education and Culture Center, in Inhotim.
Registration via this form.
Education Program
National Museum Week 2024

Conversations, meetings and visits mark Inhotim's schedule during the National Museum Week 2024. Photo: personal collection.
Worlds exist in orchids
Largo das Orquídeas
Pedagogies Circuit: FAEB Regional Meeting
FaE-UFMG e Galeria Praça
Museus para uma vida em comum
Teatro do Memorial Minas Gerais Vale
Educação na interfronteira: projetos pedagógicos para a arte e a natureza
Teatro Inhotim Vale, no Centro de Educação e Cultura Burle Marx, no Inhotim