Laura Belém
On the lake in front of the True Rouge Gallery, two rowing boats are placed facing one another, with their spotlights on. This is the work Enamorados [Enamored, 2004–2005], by Laura Belém, which plays with flirtation and gestures between two bodies that never touch. It was originally created for the Pampulha Lagoon in 2004, and shown the following year at the 51st Venice Biennale.
the program Novas Obras Externas presents to the public the recently inaugurated works, and is part of the Território Específico [Specific Territory] program, the research axis that guides Inhotim’s program in the 2021–2022 biennium.
New Outdoor Artworks
Laura Belém

A obra de Laura Belém traz um jogo de flerte e aceno entre dois corpos que nunca se tocam.
Novas Obras Externas
Enamorados (2004-05), de Laura Belém
Lago entre as Galerias Mata e True Rouge – Eixo Amarelo