Inhotim Podcast
Starting on January 27, 2022, Inhotim will expand its horizons for a new experience of immersion and displacement, now in audio version.
Guided by the actress Bárbara Colen and guests, we will take a journey that begins with the Inhotim’s gardens, galleries and artworks, passes through Brumadinho and moves on to the world, to connect to other territories.
Listen to episodes of the first season, “Território Específico”, premiering on the January 27, to explore multiple perspectives. In the first episode, “Time”, Ayrson Heráclito addresses the different conceptions of time in African cultures, while the scientist Marcelo Gleiser approaches the notions of physics on the topic. On the same episode, Sabrina Carmo, biologist and coordinator of Inhotim’s Botanical Garden, talks about nature’s perspective on time, with examples such as the Tamboril, the tree Inhotim chose as its symbol. The episodes will be released every Thursday, and are available on the main podcast players – Spotify, Apple, Deezer, Amazon Music, Google Podcast, Castbox ,YouTube and on this website. Follow Inhotim on your platform of choice and enable the notifications to stay on top of the latest releases.
Inhotim Podcast is produced by Instituto Inhotim in partnership with Rádio Novelo, makers of successful podcasts such as Praia dos Ossos and Foro de Teresina.
This season is sponsored by Itaú, through the Federal Law for Culture Incentive, and Fiat, and realized by Instituto Inhotim, the Special Secretariat for Culture, the Ministry of Tourism and the Federal Government of Brazil.
Território Específico
Inhotim Podcast

Ouça a temporada de estreia “Território Específico” e faça uma viagem sonora que parte do Inhotim para o mundo, e pensar nossas relações com a arte, botânica e cultura.
Estréia Inhotim Podcast: Temporada Território Específico
- Nas principais plataformas: Spotify, Apple, Deezer, Amazon Music, Google Podcast, Castbox e YouTube
- Episódios
- 20/01 Trailer
- 27/01 Ep. 1 | Tempo
- 03/02 Ep. 2 | Horizontes
- 10/02 Ep. 3 | Deslocamentos
- 17/02 Ep. 4 | Realidades
- 24/02 Ep. 5 | Sinestesia
- 03/03 Ep. 6 | Chão