Inhotim Musical Routes: 2023 Season
In the second half of 2023, a series of monthly musical events will take place in spaces at Inhotim, such as the Igrejinha, Magic Square #5, Tamboril, the Orchids Plaza and the Amphitheater, in addition to the Fundação Educação Artística, in Belo Horizonte. Check the schedule, book your ticket and come join us!
The activities of the Musical Routes project include concerts, open rehearsals and lectures on contemporary music. Participation will be diversified, involving not only the thirty members of the Inhotim Orchestra, but also two string quartets. The first, formed by the professors of Inhotim’s String School, the violinists Laura von Atzingen and Gideôni Loamir, the violist Flávia Motta and the cellist William Neres. The second is formed by four young musicians from Brumadinho, former students from the Music School and teaching assistants to the new generation: Iago Ferreira, Gabriel Augusto, Natalia Braz and Marcelo Faccion.
The 2023 season of the Inhotim Musical Routes will showcase a variety of pieces of contemporary music, including compositions by prominent composers such as Philip Glass and Bernard Herrmann, as well as emerging talents in the contemporary scene, such as the Brazilian Marcos Balter and the American Caroline Shaw.
The Inhotim Musical Routes is an initiative of the Inhotim School of Music and has Vale as its Master Sponsor, through the Federal Law for Cultural Incentive.
Inhotim Musical Routes: 2023 Season

Programação do Rotas Musicais de 2023 inclui ainda concertos a preços populares na Fundação de Educação Artística, em Belo Horizone. Foto: Ana Clara Martins
Orquestra Inhotim na FEA
Obras de Jorge Villavicencio Grossmann, Caroline Shaw, Bernard Herrmann, Eduardo Frigatti e Aldemaro Romero
Quarteto de Cordas Inhotim na Igrejinha
- às 14h, às 15h e às 16h
Obra de Caroline Shaw
Orquestra Inhotim na FEA
Obras de Michelle Agnes Magalhães, Caroline Shaw e Terry Riley