Inhotim Environment Week 2023
Celebrated on June 5, World Environment Day has a special program at Inhotim. Inhotim Environment Week 2023 will be held between May 31 and June 4, promoting, for five days, special visits, a workshop, cultural presentations, a seminar, educational workshops and other free activities for Inhotim visitors.
Inspired by the ideas of the philosopher Stefano Mancuso, the Inhotim Environment Week 2023 debates the relationship between plants and their surroundings, and the central role of botanical species in building possible futures in the face of current environmental issues. The event invites participants from different fields of knowledge, such as landscapers, male and female writers, representatives of indigenous peoples, and researchers.
Inhotim Environment Week 2023 is part of Transmutar: Programa de Investigações Botânicas [Transmutar: Botanical Research Program], a project sponsored by Shell, CBMM, E&Y. Learn more about the schedule and join us
Inhotim Environment Week 2023

Program offers 5 days of free activities with reflections on the central role of plants in environmental issues. Photo: João Marcos Rosa