Grada Kilomba, “O Barco” | “The Boat” (2021)
Starting April 14, the Galpão Gallery will host O Barco | The Boat (2021), by Grada Kilomba, a sculptural, performative and poetic work, never shown before in Brazil.
The artist is particularly known for her subversive practices of storytelling and for her immersive and poetic images, in which she gives body, voice, shape and movement to her own writings.
In the work O Barco / The Boat (2021), 134 blocks of burned wood stretch along 32 meters, arranged in reference to the architecture of the bottom of the vessels that carried millions of enslaved African bodies across the ocean. Along the way, between the blocks, visitors come across a poem written by Kilomba and translated into six languages.
The sculptural installation is also accompanied by three performance acts, which take place during the exhibition period at Inhotim.
On Sunday, April 14, at 2 pm, the first of three performances of the work will take place at the Galpão Gallery.
The ensemble brings together voices from gospel and opera, as well as percussionists and classical dancers. In the following acts, the performance
will be re-enacted with a group made up of local artists from Brumadinho and its environs.
Admission will be free for park visitors, who must pick up tickets one hour before the performance at the Galpão Gallery (limited seatings).
The exhibition O Barco | The Boat (2021), by Grada Kilomba, has Vale as master maintainer, and master sponsorship from B3 and Shell, through the Federal Law for Culture Incentive.
Opening 2024
Grada Kilomba, “O Barco” | “The Boat” (2021)

"O Barco" | "The Boat" (2021)
Opens April 13
Galpão Gallery
Apr 14, at 2 pm
Galpão Gallery