Essays on Landscape
The relationship between art and nature is imbued in the DNA of Instituto Inhotim, an open-air museum built in the midst of the transition area of two important biomes: the Atlantic Forest and the Cerrado. Essays on Landscape, Inhotim’s new group show, features artists who amplify discussions about nature.
Starting April 13, the Lago Gallery features Aislan Pankararu, Ana Cláudia Almeida, Castiel Vitorino Brasileiro and Zé Carlos Garcia who, through painting, drawing, photography and sculpture, give new meaning to the landscape.
In the works, reflections intersect the global agenda increasingly focused on discussions, research and the effects of climate change, in addition to such themes as ancestry, artificiality, time, metamorphosis and archeology.
Essays on Landscape has the support of Vale as master maintainer, through the Federal Law for Culture Incentive.
Opening 2024
Essays on Landscape

Artists address themes related to nature in “Essays on Landscape.
“Essays on Landscape”
Aislan Pankararu, Ana Cláudia Almeida, Castiel Vitorino Brasileiro and Zé Carlos Garcia
Opens April 13 Lago Gallery