Environment Week: Cultural Program
Inhotim’s Environment Week program invites you to connect with music and nature. On Saturday, June 4, Luzmilla gives her performance Sintrópica, built around themes praising the land and the forces of nature, at the Educational Plant Nursery. The songs presented in this work refer to popular songs, the cirandas, in a celebration of nature, through the re-enchantment of how we look at the world. It is a call for us to care for the Earth, to care for life. The performance starts at 3:30 pm.
On Sunday, June 5, World Environment Day, the Inhotim Chamber Orchestra presents Os Jardins de Inhotim [Inhotim’s Gardens], by the award-winning Brazilian composer Jônatas Reis. The performance will be held at the Educational Plant Nursery, at 3:30 pm, featuring the guitarist Celso Faria and conductor César Timóteo.
The performance wraps up our special program in celebration of World Environment Day, from June 1 to 5, with the Cerrado as its central theme.
Ser do Cerrado is a project carried out in partnership with the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Minas Gerais through the Platforma Semente, with funds from environmental compensatory measures. It proposes a series of measures articulated by the Public Prosecutor’s Offices throughout the state, aiming at the protection and recovery of the Cerrado.
Environment Week: Cultural Program

Orquestra de Câmara Inhotim é uma das atrações da programação da Semana do Meio Ambiente. Foto: Brendon Campos
Luzmilla Luz apresenta "Sintrópica"
Local: Viveiro Educador
Orquestra de Câmara Inhotim apresenta "Os Jardins de Inhotim"
Local: Viveiro Educador
Veja a programação completa da Semana do Meio Ambiente 2022