2021 Inaugurations
On August 28th, Inhotim inaugurates commissioned works by artists Lucia Koch and Rommulo Vieira Conceição, two exponents of the contemporary scene who were invited to develop their projects for this edition.
In the large-scale site-specific work O espaço físico pode ser um lugar abstrato, complexo e em construção (2021), the artist overlays elements present in both public and private spaces, at the same time he reorganizes objects and architectures, thus fusing ambiances so as to cause symbolic and functional displacements.
It is also from the relationship between art and architecture that the work of Lucia Koch comes to life. With the work PROPAGANDA (2021), she simultaneously occupies spaces in Brumadinho and Inhotim, raising questions around the art and logic of maneuvers for spreading information.
On the same day, Inhotim presents Entre Terras, a solo exhibition by artist Aleksandra Mir, occupying Galeria Praça with large-scale drawings of the Mediterranean series (2007), a work questioning the sociopolitical forces at stake in molding national identities.
The actions were conceived as part of the Território Específico program, the research axis orienting the program of Inhotim for the 2021-2022 biennium.
Território Específico
2021 Inaugurations

Rommulo Vieira Conceição, O espaço físico pode ser um lugar abstrato, complexo e em construção, 2021 , em detalhe. Foto: Inhotim
Inaugurações 2021
Galeria Praça e Jardim Sombra e Água Fresca